Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Reject The Emergency in Pakistan


As you know that Musharraf with the support of Pakistani Army has attacked and captured Pakistan again... they have banned the TV channels and have been torturing the people who are demonstrating against the declaration of state of emergency...We are left alone with Internet as only choice to express our feelings on this atrocity..

I have created an online petition to express our rejection to Musharraf emergency ... please be true Pakistan and sign this petition.. so that the world would know that Pakistanis are not quiet .. they are forcefully kept quiet...

This is the link of petition.. please sign this petition

Sign the We refuse the Emergency Petition

If you want to read the petition.. this is the link

We refuse the Emergency Petition

Spread this to as many pakistanis as you can..


Petition text is as follows

To: Pakistani Civil Soceity

As you people know Musharraf has declared state of emergency in Pakistan, has suspended the constitution and has started doing again what he's not authorized for. He's suspended Chief Justice and have asked all judges to swear-in again under new PCO.

This is completely unacceptable, an Army chief can't own Pakistan, Pakistan is My country.. Pakistan is your country.. lets not keep quiet on this atrocity... lets speak against this injustice and let the world know that We Pakistanis are awake.. let the world know that we reject Musharraf and his steps .. let the world know Pakistani Civil Society refuses to live under Army Boots... Do atleast what you can... Sign this petition and forward this to every Pakistani you know.... spread it..

Pakistan Zindabad

The Undersigned

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